Medicine Wheel a way to heal and build up a community by working with the interconnectedness of all species


Medicijnwiel leert oa:

  • conflict bemiddeling en conflict hantering
  • efficient communiceren
  • begrijpen van de relatie tussen jij en anderen op fysiek, emotioneel en spiritueel   niveau
  • teambuilding
  • hoe je visie te brengen in de gemeenschap,  werk en of gezin op een manier   zodat je gehoord wordt
  • hoe uniek en toch in eenheid met anderen te functioneren
  • stoppen met dominantie en intimidatie en kiezen voor gelijkwaardigheid en   samenwerking
  • denken in mogelijkheden en oplossing

The way of the Medicine Wheel

The Medicine Wheel represents harmony and connections and is considered a mayor symbol of peaceful interaction among all living beings on Earth.

The Medicine wheel:

  • is a framework that presents how individual an environment interact and influence each other
  • provides a map or plan for problem solving
  • helps enhance one’s awareness and understanding of self
  • provides a map for restoring healthy relationships and general well-being
  • provides a holistic educational approach that can be applied to every subject
  • is an educational framework that can be applied to any educational setting
  • provides a way of teaching  that addresses the students spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental capacities.
  • is a compass on how to navigate and thrive as an individual and as a community




  • that we are separate from each other and from our environment
  • that matter is something we have to dominate and use for our own selfish purpose
  • we have to apply harmful, strategies to dominate and achieve our goals
  • that nature is erratic therefore we are constantly under threat of being devastated
  • we need the powerful few to protect and govern the childish many 
  • the ancient cultures were primitive and needed to be civilized
  • there is not enough to go around
  • we as human being are powerless, unreliable beings
  • there are people in society that are better than others because of gender, race, age, etc  therefore they deserve more that others
  • spirit is something that is located in heaven and not interpenetrating our daily lives
  • some get the opportunity to thrive, others do not
  • some have wisdom and others have not


  • we are the powerful, unlimited beings, in this time an space who helps bring   creation into being
  • we are born to work together, live, love and thrive.

There are many ancient teachings that teaches us how to live and work together without misusing power through teachings as:

The Medicine Wheel with is many many levels and perspectives, like:

the Children Count teaches children about their relationship with nature and her cycles

The Medicine Wheel of the Spheres of the body teaches  about the beauty and power of the body and how to keep it in balance. it teaches how the organs communicate with each other and with nature to keep the body alive

The Mathematical Wheel  teaches the universal face of mathematics and how it is applied by nature in a holistic and life enforcing way

The Soldiers Wheel teaches about your strategic relationship with your surroundings and how to achieve your goal 

The Circle of Law teaches about a natural and balanced way to create and govern a community

the Medicine Wheel of the 4 directions where the people of the Earth lives, can help each other to create balance and enhance our growth for each direction holds a different kind of medicine needed by all.

The Plant Wheels The healing power of plants and how they work together to support life and earth balance

the Stone Wheels Teaches about the power and energy of minerals and about the earth history


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