Understanding the Connection of Mind, Body, Spirit and Heart through the Ancient Wisdom of the Universal laws

People need to have mechanisms to help them grow beyond the old and stagnating experiences. Sharing the teachings of these mechanisms is one of the greatest gifts that I can give as a trainer and guide.

Here at Mama  I created a space for processing experiences through  teachings of Teachers who live(d) in harmony with Life itself.

They had ways to help people participate in seeing the state longed fore and becoming one with it.

Their message was never completely lost. It only went underground to guarantee its survival until we, the people would start longing for it badly enough to be ready to receive it and ready to shift our ways of thinking and thus our way of living.

                         The Life Teachings  

 Elect yourself for change
















Your powerful community












The healing power of Your Story








 Your body antenna







Your Sacred Space








Your Vision for Life

The Ancient Wisdom of the Feminine. Is about returning the woman's spirit, so necessary to help you elect yourself on a deep level (instead of on the basis of ego, outer acceptance or as a victim) and find out how to sustain your life with the power and wisdom living within you. Travel the 13 steps:

  • transcend fixed attitudes and old objections to growth. They are holding you back.
  • go on your own hero's or heroin's journey to  unite consciously with your power and true spirit. Your power and true spirit are within. Out there is only a mirror. It is time to look within to find what is within
  • become human beings, leaders and guides that has the  wisdom needed to deal with the complexities of our  time.
  • get out of the survival of the fittest, blame, guilt and shame  trance. Step into the world of real wisdom and possibility, that is humanities right and way of freedom
  • take 13 steps and get within your light

Learn how to recognize your true nature as Love and Ecstasy in action.   You came here to give Birth to the Light, and live a life of new possibilities. Start doing it NOW

for 18 years and older/individual coaching and group/


Medicine wheel assists personal and community empowerment and alignment with purpose. Many great projects, groups and relationships ends in discord, leaving great opportunity's unused. You can do something about this:

  • learn to deeply understand and manage the gift that lies within diversity and in difference of perspectives and opinions.To evolve, difference is needed. So, learn to use it and teach it
  • through the Medicine Wheel you get to know more about the depth, the spirit, the beauty and the gifts/medicine of the Self, of the members of the group and of the group in its totality. This knowing creates unification.
  • you also learn a bullet-prove way to manage conflicts and to guide each participant to bring out the best of self.

for 10 years and older/ group sessions/ individual coaching


The Storystone teachings, presents you with tools  

  • to step on a woman's path of power, rewrite your own story and learn ways to act on it as if it is impossible to fail. 
  • and opportunity to  learn a unique and holistic way (using 13 perspectives of a story) to  tell your story or any story or lecture in a way that enhance, enchants and empowers your audience
  • By knowing this storystone pathway you can help yourself, your client, children etc to write a great story; to analyse a situation or story and shift the negativity present, in a way that everybody gets empowered because they gained new insight and wisdom

for 12 years and older/individual  and group sessions/individual coaching


Dansen op Blote Voeten We all carry the energy of the universe within us. 'Dansen op blote voeten,  is a way to stimulate this energy and

  • express  and yourself physical and emotionally from   a deeper level of consciousness.
  • through dance you connect consciously with your  body.
  • you can dissolve blockages and stress present in the body, mind and soul through dance and movement.

for 16 and older/ group sessions/



Mediteren in het donker- Meditation in the dark within a space resembling the womb. The womb is a micro version of the VOID, the great vast darkness which is the place before creation. It is described by the zen Buddhists as empty yet full; the truly fertile, holy ground from which all life is born.

This is a powerful way to reclaim your own sacred inner and outer space. A quick and profound way to relax, dream and see from within.

for  10 years and older/ individual sessions and group sessions possible





Seven steps to alignmen Sometimes we are standing at a crossroads and do not know which path to take. 'Seven steps to alignment' helps you to get your vision clear and get active within true alignment with what resonates more with your body mind and soul in the moment.

It helps you to discern if you are connected with your calling or with an old program, which is still running in your system.

It helps you to activate the energy necessary for reaching your goal.

for  age 10 to 100 years / groups, personal sessions and coaching


Data:  feb 4, 18

mrt 4, 18

apr 1, 22 

mei  6, 20

Tijd: 9.00  tot 11.0






Consult op basis van Ancient wisdom of the Feminine   1,5 tot 2 uur







 zondagen/ sundays

Data:  feb 4, 18

maart 4, 18

april 1, 22

mei 6, 20

Tijd: 11.15 tot 13.15




 Consult  op basis van medicijn wiel 1,5 tot 2 uur 60,- 





zondagen / sundays

Data:  feb 4, 18

maart 4, 18

april 1, 22

mei 6,20

Tijd: 14.30 tot 16.30




 Consult op basis van Story stones 1,5 tot 2 uur  60,-



zondagen/ sundays


feb 4, 18/

maart 4, 18

april 1, 22

mei 6, 20

Tijd: 17.00 tot 18.00




 zondagen /sundays


feb 4, 18

maart 4, 8

april 1, 15

mei 6, 20

Tijd: 18.15 tot 19.30

Consult: op basis van Meditatie in het donker 30,- 1 tot 1,5 uur



zaterdagen/ saturdays 

Inschrijving per 3 bijeenkomsten


feb 24/ mrt 10/ apr 9

Tijd: 18.00 tot 21.00

Prijs: 90,- .



Consult: 60,- 1,5 tot 2 uur


Bank rek nr: MCB   27507705  

tnv:  Migarda Raphaela

Adres: Sint Michielsweg 14 A